Theme and Objectives
"Venturing paradigms in achieving sustainable development goals for the rapidly changing planet"
The primary aims of the conference include,
- To exchange ideas and share the latest research findings on environmental science and technology.
- To discuss the latest issues and to find solutions for achieving a sustainable environment.
- To enhance collaboration and networking between researchers and practitioners in the field of environmental science and technology.
- Environmental Science and Engineering
- Urban and Rural Ecology
- Biodiversity Conservation & Protected Areas Management
- Ecological and Environmental Quality Studies
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Health
- Computer Modelling & Applications, Remote Sensing, GIS
- Cleaner Technologies, Control Treatment, and Remediation Techniques
- Life Cycle Assessment, Risk Assessment, Health, and Safety Impact Assessment
- Management (Industrial, Domestic, Natural)
- Environmental Technology and Management
- Freshwater SciencesAquatic SciencesSoil Sciences
- EcotoxicologyNanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Environmental Protection
- Environmental Humanities
Any matters regarding EasyChair, please consult Dr. Rafatullah through his office number, +604 653 2111 or his email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.