Final Submission

If your abstract is accepted, you are encouraged to submit the full paper before 1st May 2021 for inclusion in the ICERT 2021 Conference Proceedings. 
To facilitate easier processing, reviewing, and publishing all submissions, please follow our GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS as follows:
For the manuscript to be accepted, one of the authors must agree to present it at the conference. Accepted manuscripts must be in English and must not exceed six (6) pages in Microsoft Word readable format. Your paper must be prepared on a single side, single-spaced, and a single column of the standard A4 size. The margins should be set to 2.5 cm (1") for the left, right, top, and bottom margins.
Typestyle and fonts
With the exception of the title and author names, the rest of the manuscript should be typed in 9-point Times New Roman font. 
Manuscript title
The title should be 10-point Times New Roman font, boldface type, centred and fully capitalised. Leave one blank line after the title.
Author name(s) and affiliation(s)
The author(s) (full name) should be 10-point Times New Roman, centred underneath the title, separated by commas, except for the last one, which will be separated by the word “and”.  Use numbered superscripts to identify different affiliations.  The sequence of affiliations should follow the sequence of the author(s). If all the authors are from the same institution, then superscripts are not necessary.  Please do not put a full-stop at the end of the authors. Leave two blank lines before beginning the main text. Affiliations should be 9-point Times New Roman and centred. Only include the email address of the corresponding author.
The abstract must be in fully justified italicised text. The abstract should not exceed 300 words. It should be informative. Tell the reader what the research was about, how it was undertaken and what was discovered, but not how the paper is organised. The main findings must be summarised. If there are too many of them, then just exemplify them in the abstract. The essential elements of the abstract are: 
Background: A simple opening sentence or two placing the work in context. 
• Aims: One or two sentences giving the purpose of the work. 
• Method(s): One or two sentences explaining what was done. 
• Results: One or two sentences indicating the main findings. 
• Conclusions: One sentence giving the most important consequence of the work.
Please list a maximum of five (5) keywords which should be listed alphabetically, separated by commas, with a full-stop at the end.  
First and second order headings should be 9-point, bold face, aligned left and fully capitalised. Please leave a blank line before each heading.
Main Text
The main text is in 9-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced. All paragraphs should be indented by one tab. The text should be fully justified. There should be no blank lines between the paragraphs
Figures and tables
Figures and tables should be centred, numbered separately and kept as simple as possible. Please ensure tables and figures are referred to from the main text. Figure captions are to be below the figures. Table titles should be above the tables. Both captions should be centred and in 9-point Times New Roman font. The resolution of the figure should not be less than 360 dpi (dots per inch).
List all bibliographical references using the numbered format, single-spaced, at the end of your manuscript. Please leave a blank line between the citations. When referencing in the text, enclose the numbered citation in square brackets. Please use the numbered and Harvard citation methods when listing references at the end of the manuscript.
Include your page number at the bottom centre of every page. It should be 9-point Times New Roman.
Note that all final papers must be submitted by uploading through the online submission systemPlease Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya. the secretariat your original submission reference number.